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How to Boost Your Real Estate Industry Success on Social Media

Written by Caleb Ebanks | Sep 18, 2023

Establishing a robust online presence in our digital age is paramount for success in the real estate industry. It's more than just a suggestion; effectively engaging with your target audience is necessary. Your website copy and social media strategy are tools to set yourself apart from your competition. Despite being in the age of TikTok and flashy video tours, your Real Estate Business Facebook Page is still relevant and practical to boost your online and social media presence.

According to Forbes, Facebook is still the most used social platform worldwide. Its vast user base and diverse demographics provide a dynamic space where real estate businesses can connect with potential clients and create lasting impressions. It serves as a virtual meeting ground where you can showcase your property listings, share valuable insights about the real estate market, and interact with interested buyers and sellers.

Website Copy

A common obstacle is where to begin with Content Creation. Facebook's engagement tools, including business Pages, messaging, and analytics, empower real estate professionals to build meaningful relationships, address queries promptly, and glean insights into audience preferences. When combined with compelling website copy, embracing Facebook as a cornerstone of your online strategy becomes a powerful move that positions your real estate business for success in the digital era. Whether you are a real estate agent, broker, or in any other industry, this integrated approach is for you.  

Building Your Real Estate Facebook Page

You've chosen to expand your real estate business onto Facebook, but where do you begin? After subscribing to our blog and following us on social media, build your Facebook Business Page.

Step 1: Login or Create Your Account
If you don't already have a personal Facebook account, don't worry; setting one up is easy. Your account is essential for managing your business Page. However, I want you to know that your private information remains separate from your business Page.

Step 2: Access the "Pages" Tab
To start, Click "Menu" in the right corner and click "Page" under the Create section. 

Step 3: Choose Your Page Category
Select the "Business or Brand" category, as your Page represents your real estate business. Creating a consistent brand guide will promote brand awareness.

Step 4: Name Your Page and Provide Business Information
Choose a name for your Page, ideally matching your business name. Additionally, fill in your business address and phone number to help potential clients quickly contact you.

Step 5: Brand Your Page
Your Facebook Page reflects your business, so make it shine with high-resolution images and captivating copy.

Profile Photo: Use your company's logo as the profile picture. Ensure it's visually appealing and correctly sized at 170x170 pixels.

Cover Photo: Select an image representing your business – a picture of your office, properties, or current marketing efforts. Ensure it's sized at 851x315 pixels.

About Section: Briefly describe your real estate business, offered services, and any other crucial information potential clients should know.

Step 6: Add Additional Business Information
Include your business hours, an easily searchable username, and a website URL. This will make your business more accessible through search engines.

Step 7: Add a Call-to-Action Button
You can boost the effectiveness of your Facebook Page by including a compelling call-to-action (CTA) button near your cover photo. This simple yet powerful feature guides visitors toward actions that benefit your real estate business. Whether it's encouraging them to explore your website, share their contact information for future communication, or efficiently book your services, the CTA button streamlines user interaction. 

By offering clear and direct pathways to engagement, you provide a seamless experience for your audience and increase the likelihood of converting visitors into potential clients. The CTA button is your virtual handshake, inviting prospective buyers and sellers to take the next step in their real estate journey with you.

Congratulations! Your real estate business now has a professionally crafted Facebook Page ready to attract potential clients.

Step 2: Engaging Your Audience

It's time to engage your audience. Even if you still need to get followers, start posting quality content to showcase your Page's activity and professionalism.

Activate Messaging
Activating messaging on your Facebook business Page is a valuable strategy to enhance your connection with clients. It's a powerful tool that allows you to promptly communicate with potential buyers and sellers, answer their questions, and provide essential support. The key to success here is responsiveness.

When you respond quickly to messages, it not only demonstrates your professionalism but also boosts your Page's credibility. Facebook acknowledges this commitment by awarding your Page with the coveted "Very responsive to messages" badge. This badge is a seal of trust for users, assuring them that you're dependable and ready to assist.

In real estate, having this badge is a significant advantage. It signals potential clients that you're committed to delivering excellent customer service and promptly addressing their needs. This level of reliability can set you apart from competitors and help you build a loyal client base.

So, take into account the power of messaging on your Facebook Page. Make it a priority to respond swiftly and maintain that "Very responsive to messages" badge, reinforcing your reputation as a dependable and client-focused real estate professional.

Monitor Page Insights
Leveraging the "Insights" tab at the top of your Facebook Page is a solid strategy to gain insights into how your audience engages with your real estate content. By diving into these analytics, you can gather valuable data that will inform your social media strategy.

First and foremost, you can monitor the reach of your posts. Understanding how many people see your content is essential for assessing your content's effectiveness. It helps you identify which posts resonate with your audience and which may need refinement.

Additionally, audience demographics provide a goldmine of information. Discovering who your followers are, their location, age, and gender distribution allows you to tailor your content to suit their preferences. This personalization can significantly enhance engagement and build stronger connections with potential clients.

Furthermore, pinpointing the ideal times to post is crucial. The Insights tab can reveal when your audience is most active, ensuring that your posts reach them immediately. This strategic timing can significantly boost the visibility and impact of your real estate content.

The "Insights" tab is your secret weapon to fine-tune your social media strategy, grow your audience, and foster greater engagement. By harnessing this invaluable information, your real estate business can thrive in the ever-evolving digital realm.