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6 inbound marketing quick hits: mobile marketing trends

Written by Illumine8 Staff | Oct 26, 2016

In May of 2015, Google announced that the number of mobile device searches overtook desktop searches, stating that "...more Google searches take place on mobile devices than on computers in 10 countries including the US and Japan. This presents a tremendous opportunity for marketers to reach people throughout all the new touch points of a consumer’s path to purchase." 

That was more than a year ago, which in the Internet space-time continuum might as well amount to a decade. 

Is your Inbound Marketing platform built to capitalize on this change, or will you lose market share as a result of this rapidly advancing paradigm shift?

The answer depends on where your business sits currently.

If you and your team have already done the work to make your website, landing pages and other digital marketing campaigns mobile-friendly, you are a step ahead of some companies. Now, you need to focus on getting up to speed on the latest mobile marketing data and strategies.

If you've only created for desktop, well, it's high time to play some serious catch up.

Regardless of where you stand on the mobile-desktop spectrum, these quick hit, fast facts will help you find the impetus to revamp your existing mobile strategies or run a bit faster to catch up to the pack.

Fact #1

According to a recent Google study, 40% of individuals use only smartphones to meet immediate needs during a given day.

Fact #2

Google states that across a given day, 27% will use only a mobile device compared to 14% using a computer only.

Fact #3

In the Search Engine Journal's analysis of Google's findings, they ascertained indivduals use a smartphone about 3 hours a day as compared to 2 hours for computers.

Fact #4

Year-over-year mobile device searches across many major industries are up between 20% to as high as 45%.

Fact #5

87% of individuals always have their smartphone on their person, according to DeviceAtlas' citing of recent Google research.

Fact #6

As per Emarketer, mobile will comprise 72% of all digital U.S. ad spend by 2019.

There you have it. Mobile responsive websites, digital platforms and mobile-focused strategies and tactics are becoming more and more of a necessity for businesses large and small.

Evolving your business to better meet this demand is imperative to future growth.  

If you don't know where to start, or you have mobile marketing strategies that are not producing the results you desire, contact us. We would love to speak with you and your team and assess your current approach.