Nearly every company knows they should have a LinkedIn company presence. But many struggle to maximize its effectiveness.
Your business might be in the same boat.
Let’s talk about some easy steps you can take to make your LinkedIn company page and overall presence as dynamic and effective as possible.
First, however, let’s identify the biggest challenge facing companies like yours.
Far too many companies create a LinkedIn profile page and leave it orphaned and floating in digital limbo. What could have become a valuable marketing and business development tool devolves into a static directory listing that checks a box but doesn’t generate results.
Organizations don’t orphan their LinkedIn company profile pages intentionally. Rather, many businesses lack the time and people power to make LinkedIn—and social media in general—work for them. These businesses have multiple higher priorities and staff members wearing many hats.
There’s just no time.
And even if that time existed, many companies struggle to develop and implement a cohesive, company-wide LinkedIn strategy.
What we’ve found at many organizations is awareness that they need a LinkedIn profile page and presence (that’s good) along with a lack of consistent follow through for the reasons listed above. (that’s not so good but solvable.)
Let’s discuss five simple and efficient ways your company can bring its orphaned LinkedIn Profile page back into the fold to produce tangible results.
Dr. Frankenstein said it best when his creation came to life.
The first step to improving LinkedIn effectiveness is understanding the nature of LinkedIn and social media overall. These outlets act like living organisms. They change. They connect. They evolve and devolve. They are communal. They live and die in the digital world.
Say no more to dead digital brochures and stagnant, “ghost town” web pages.
Embrace your inner Dr. Frankenstein: experiment, create and send your creation out into the world.
Dr. Frankenstein was not so good at the nurturing part, but I’m sure you and your team can do better.
Like any living thing, your company LinkedIn profile needs sustenance. You need to feed it, which will lead to increased engagement, an expanded network and higher profile thought leadership positioning in your market space.
What does your LinkedIn profile need to thrive? Here are its favorite foods:
If you are a one-person shop, you have to do it all. You don’t have a choice.
If you’re three or five or fifteen or fifty strong, enlist your employees to be LinkedIn brand ambassadors once your company profile page is optimized. There is strength in numbers.
Here are some suggestions on how to leverage employee LinkedIn pages to help your business:
You need to recognize from the start that you cannot mandate how individual team members operate their LinkedIn profiles.
Their profile is their property, not the brand’s property. Employees are not obligated legally to use their own profile pages to generate brand awareness, build a network or increase leads for your organization.
That said, if you create a strategy and implement it the right way—make it easy, provide a handbook, don’t shove it down their throats and create a sense of ownership and communal benefit—most if not all of your employees will jump on board and help.
Everything is in place. Your profile is awesome. Your team is on board. You have a strategy and content calendar in place. You’ve allocated either internal or external resources to keep your LinkedIn and overall social media presence vibrant and responsive. Now, it’s time to start engaging your prospects, colleagues and market. Here are some ideas for how to do it right:
The digital world, social media and even your business operate like living things that need to be cared for and nurtured on a regular basis.
Once you realize that LinkedIn and other digital platforms can be extremely productive and an economic way of generating quality leads and loyal customers if kept healthy and active, it becomes easier to make your social media strategy and its implementation a priority.
Remember, Illumine8 is here to help with expert advice or to lend a hand developing and implementing your social media strategy should you need external assistance.